Puerto Rico
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Puerto Rico
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About Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico is a Caribbean island between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, east of the Dominican Republic (about 1,000 miles/1,600 km southeast of Miami, Florida). The Island does not require US residents to have a passport making Puerto Rico weddings and honeymoons very popular.
ACCOMMODATIONS – Hotels, villas, apartments and condos.
CALLING PUERTO RICO – Puerto Rico has modern, reliable United States style telephone services (area code 787).
COMMUNICATIONS – U.S. by high capacity submarine cable and INTELSAT with high-speed data capability; digital telephone system with about 1 million lines; cellular telephone service; broadcast stations – 50 AM, 63 FM, 9 TV; cable television carries all four major U.S. networks.
CREDIT CARDS – All major credit cards are widely accepted: American Express, Visa, Diner’s Club, Discovery, Master Card and other Bank credit cards.
CURRENCY – Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the US and uses the dollar.
DRINKING WATER – Puerto Rico’s water quality is subject to the same regulated EPA standards that apply on the U.S. mainland.
ELECTRICITY – The general rule in Puerto Rico is United Standards 110 and 120 volts AC, and the outlets take the same two-prong plugs found in the United States.
TIME – Atlantic Standard Time; however, the island does not observe Daylight Savings Time.
WHAT TO WEAR – Puerto Ricans are a gentle and friendly people. The island feels more like Latin America than the United States. Swimwear is fine for the beach and leisurewear for the resorts, but elsewhere a little dressing up is in order. Nightlife in Puerto Rico is somewhat informal. There are no nudist facilities (camps and/or beaches) in Puerto Rico since nudism is illegal.